Bubble Tip Anenome


I got a new bubble tip a few days ago and it has not yet opened fully. How long should I wait until I get worried?


give it a couple of more days to become fully acclimated. it took about a week before my bubble tip became fully acclimated and expanded to its largest size (now i have two!). just sit tight and try to feed it if you can...
I agree with previous post and would like to add that after its acclimated it will shrink up from time to time so please dont assume its dead and pitch it . It will look like like it died but it will expand back to full size. Good luck ;)


Oh I forgot something very important(in a rush to leave for work). When I got it i put it in the sand in front of my lr. In a days time it disappeared under the rocks. I had to rearrange some of my rock work to accomadate for some new corals. I found the anenome as it started to float through tank when I moved some of the rocks. I put it in an empty clam shell and put it on top of some of my rocks closer to the light. It took hold in the shell and hasn't moved since. It is all shriveled up and almost closed during the day. At 4 in the morning when I come home from work and the lights are off it is still closed up but the foot is larger. Then when I get up in the morning and the lights are on, it's foot has shunk again. I thought they liked a lot of light. Should I move it back down to the sand? What are all of your suggestions? Thanks for the replys!!!


Active Member
not EVERY anemone will like the same things...experts can only say what most anemones like. You are going to have let your anemone try out different places.
I just went through something somewhat similar, but yesterday I noticed my water level was a bit low, I checked my salinity level and it was 1.026 way too high. Anyway I brought my salinity back down and today he looks much better. My Hatian died due to this and I never thought it was something so simple. Anyway check your water readings, the answer could be right under your nose.
Bubble tips IME (so far) can take a beating for only so long, mine went through a 6 day struggle until I found my mess-up (I got lucky)
i bought the smallest bubble tip ever it was only the size of a quarter when fully expanded but hey it was my first anenome then about 3 weeks later i saw my starfish where my anenome used to be when i knowed the star off i relised that the damn thign ate my anenome i was soo mad thta i took the star back then a few weeks later i got a nother smaller bubble that is about 2 inches when fully opened and he is duing fine but after 2 days in the tank he moved on the mor eunder side kinda hidden from the light and has been there ever since so my bubble tip doesnt leik too much light i suggest maybe moving it down a little farther from the light Jay
your anemone will choose its own spot
wherever it feels the most comfortable and if you must move it point a powerhead toward it (dont place it right next to it ) just aim it toward it and it should release and move elsewhere. ;)