bubble tip in hiding


so I have had a green bubble tip for almost 2 weeks now. It decided to move underneth the rocks at the back of the tank. Of course dead set in the middle. It looks healthy and happy. From what I can see through the rock work. But Of course having an anenome that hides is like not having one at all. IS this normal? I would like him to come out and have my percs find him. Although the few days it was out they pretty much gave the bta the finger. Fish are hard.


Fairly normal behavior for a Bubble tip to go running straight to the back of the tank.
No kidding, happens alot.
Check your tank over for water movment, you might want to adjust your power heads or something. It is still fairly new so it may yet move around looking for the right spot.
Let me know if anything happens.


It is in a 12 gallon nano tank. I have a wavemaker and where it is is getting pretty good current. Which means he might stay there forever. lol. He is the first bta I have ever delt with. I always had hatians before that. I was worried becuase It was out of the light, but I will see what happens. over the next couple of weeks.