Bubble tip in nano


I have had a 12 gal nano deluxe for about a year now, i bought the display a guy had in his store. When i got home i added a rose bubble anenome that had split from the one in my 72gl tank. The anenome in the 12gl has done great ever scince i put it in it gets HUGE like 12 inches across or so takes up almost the whole tank at times. Well it has split so now i have 2 in my 12 gallon. So, do i need to take one of them out? is it dangerous to have 2 in such a small tank? I would put another back into my bigger tank but, i already have 3 in there. My anenomes love splitting for some reason. i have given away or traded at least 5 this year. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. thanks


I would take one out just because that will be all you will have in your tank. Also they could injure or kill other corals if you have them. If you want to leave them in there they will not fight or kill each other. It's just personal preference whatever you like. I have 4 in one tank right next to each other. I have the same problem with them splitting, but I can never get the damn things out after they split.


i know what your talking about trying to get them off a rock or whatever. I usually have to wait unitl one will go close to the glass and then its easy to get em off but, sometimes waiting for that could be months. In the small tank i do have some green star polyps (pretty sure thats what they are) and that has grown like a weed all over the back wall and onto section of glass so if the anenomes sting that some i really dont mind, almost wish i would never have put that stuff in there.
thanks for the replies keep them coming


Active Member
Originally Posted by slammy16
i know what your talking about trying to get them off a rock or whatever. I usually have to wait unitl one will go close to the glass and then its easy to get em off but, sometimes waiting for that could be months. In the small tank i do have some green star polyps (pretty sure thats what they are) and that has grown like a weed all over the back wall and onto section of glass so if the anenomes sting that some i really dont mind, almost wish i would never have put that stuff in there.
thanks for the replies keep them coming

To get them off of a surface it is best to use a peice of ice , they detatch right away and it doesnt hurt them