bubble tip not bubbly anymore



this question has likely been asked previously but a quick search didnt yield anything. when our green bta was small the tentacles were squat and bulbous but now that it has grown the tentacles are much more elongated. we added a large rbta as well and it too has more elongated tentacles. does this happen as these anemones grow? i have seen btas in other peoples tanks where the tentacles are really thin and stringy, not the case with ours. our have fat tentacles, just not short and bulby.
they are well fed, mix of raw shrimp, squid and scallop every second day or so. they are in moderate flow and under 160 watts of t5 lighting. water parameters have been steady. any thoughts?



Active Member
its normal. some BTAs loose there bubbles. some days they are elongated and some days they are super bubbly. Some sometimes loose there bubbles forever. it is completely normal.
nothing to worry about.


Originally Posted by Mr.clownfish
its normal. some BTAs loose there bubbles. some days they are elongated and some days they are super bubbly. Some sometimes loose there bubbles forever. it is completely normal.
nothing to worry about.

+1 my gbta doese this from time to time. No one rely knows why. Urs looks good to me. I'd slow down on the feedings. I feed mine once a week.


Active Member
I've got 3, 2 RBTA's and 1 GBTA and all lost their bubbles after they got comfortable in my tanks. Completely normal.


Active Member
I agree, my RBTA was a typical bubble when I bought it over 4 yrs ago. About 6 months in my tank it lost all of its bubble type projections. Has stayed in the same place for years and growing, thriving very well without any bubble extentions. Perfectly normal. Has split multiple times, so obviously not something to really worry about.


Just a thought, BUT, I've noticed that if I feed my GBTA's and my RBTA's more than once a week, they get elongated tentacles rather than short bubbles.
Regardless, bubble tips do this. No one knows why, some people say it has to do with water quality, others say it's where they are originally harvested from, and others think it has to do with feeding, lighting, or how much a clown fish annoys them. Yours looks very healthy and I would not worry about it at all.