Bubble Tip on the Move



My bubble tip anemone has decided to move again. This is its third time in a week. Will it eventually find a place it likes and stay put? So far when I see it moving I move any corals out of its way. Will a bubble tip kill my corals? I have a green star polyp and a finger leather, a crocea clam and a feather duster.


Also, How can I encourage my perculas to go in the anemone?


Active Member
What do you feed your anemone? Mine was constantly moving until I started feeding him a chunk of silverside every 2, 3 or 4 days. Now he doesn't budge. He's pretty sure he's found a good food source, so he stays put. IMO, it's probably not that he doesn't like the erea.
And it took about 4 weeks for my tomato clown to decide that my green BTA should be home. Chances are your clown will eventually, I think.


Well, I fed the anemone a krill once a few days ago. I will wait until he gets somewhere where I would like him to stay. Right now he is in the back and inside a rock. Hopefully, we can come to a nice symobiotic relationship.


Active Member
My bta's won't stay put either. I've read on here that they are known for moving around alot. Mine did sting my ricordia


Active Member
I wish I knew the trick to keep an anemone. :notsure: I have been through 2 BTA and 1 LTA with 0 success.


Mine stayed put for 3 months and decided to move right in between my corals so he found himself back at the LFS. I am going to setup a small anemone tank but this tank is reef and if I was going to accomplish my vision the anemone had to go.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
I wish I knew the trick to keep an anemone. :notsure: I have been through 2 BTA and 1 LTA with 0 success.

post a thread asking what youa re oding wrong with all of your tank parameters and specs. someone will be able to figure it out.
my anenome hasnt moved once since i put him down in my tank about 7 months ago


LTA hasn't moved since I put him in the tank. He is right in a corner and food usually comes his way. It will be interesting to see his reaction to upcoming move into 90 gallon with sand bed. I have seen my clowns in him once. Most of the time they are at top away from LTA.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ctkecth
LTA hasn't moved since I put him in the tank. He is right in a corner and food usually comes his way. It will be interesting to see his reaction to upcoming move into 90 gallon with sand bed. I have seen my clowns in him once. Most of the time they are at top away from LTA.

My lta has never moved either.


my bta was on the move for three days after i put him under eventually he got under a rock where he later died i guess from suffercation it started releasing brown stuff which look like floating tentacles from it it turn completely inside out so i took it out the tank.
and to add i had a green carpet anemone which started out being host by one of my dominoe damsel two weeks later my percula clown moved him out now he host it and doing a great job of keep intruders out he is very protective of it



my bta was on the move for three days after i put him under eventually he got under a rock where he later died i guess from suffercation it started releasing brown stuff which look like floating tentacles from it it turn completely inside out so i took it out the tank.
and to add i had a green carpet anemone which started out being host by one of my dominoe damsel two weeks later my percula clown moved him out now he host it and doing a great job of keep intruders out he is very protective of it



New Member
My pink tip haitian climbed to the top of my rock and found himself to be no match for the filter so...i decided to wait until i found a much larger one!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishieness
post a thread asking what youa re oding wrong with all of your tank parameters and specs. someone will be able to figure it out.
my anenome hasnt moved once since i put him down in my tank about 7 months ago
Thanks for the hint but, I tried that approach and did not get any response. Ohh well, I will keep trying.


Active Member
Originally Posted by FISHY7
Thanks for the hint but, I tried that approach and did not get any response. Ohh well, I will keep trying.

well you might this time if there is someone who sees it who didnt last time. lol