bubble tip with clown ?


i put a bubble tip a in with a clown yesterday, they are doing great. when i bought the bubbletip, he came with a rock he was buried in. after about two hours in the tank, he moved to a better spot to his liking. its on the live sand while buried his tail next to a rock with it sliding under it. he seems very happy. its a 18 gallon nano tank, will he be ok there in regards to lighting, etc? please advise. he seems happy as well as the clown.


Unfortunately anemones are not the smartest animals in the world and they may actually position themselves where they won't get adequate light and they will eventually die. You have to make sure that you put him in a place that gets enough light even if you have to move him a couple of times.


does he always stick his foot in a hole or is it ok for him to just stick to a rock? my bubble tip seems happy where he is but his foot is only stuck, not put into a rock, is this ok?


Active Member
IMO they will move where they want no matter what, instict. Just leave it be. I never had that particular anemone, but the ones I have had (same "rules" apply) would stick their foot to the rock, glass, or wherever it was comfortable at the time (even had 1 attach to the bottom glass through the sandbed). Dont try to remove it manually that will cause damage to the foot. The only way, IMO, I would move it is to turn the rock, if possible, and therefore leaving intact the foot. Anyways leave it be, you say it looks happy anyways---it will move if it is not. HTH.


thanks for the advice, how much exposure do they need to the lighting. my point is, if its at the bottom and not 100% of it is getting light, is that ok? thanks.