Bubble Tip


New Member
Hey i have a bubble tip and it was a nice size but now it is very small and it is not getting any bigger. What can i do to enduce some growth?


According to your other post, you have 110 watts for a 30. IMO you may need some more lightings for the BTA. I heard that they usually require more lightings in order to survive. HTH :) :)


New Member
It has been down for about 5 months. It looks healthy but just small. I cannot figure it out. Also it is on the dark side of my tank instead to the bright side. On the dark side there is more actinic blue than daylight. I did that to accomdant a wider range of coral such as mushrooms and bubble corals. I was told that my lighting was adequate for a bubble tip. I was told that 3 watts per gallon was what i needed to have. If some one has a more exact watt/gal please let me know. I have had success using suggestions form the message board. If someone can help me to move it to the other side of the tank let me know.

coral boy

Do you feed it meaty food like Grill, silversids or squid. If it is not getting enough light it really needs the meaty food.
3 watts per gal. is a bit on the low side i would try at least 5 watts per gal.


Active Member
you're lighting is fine... but you need to feed him, and feed him often. Shrimp, scallop, squid, etc.. from your local supermarket and silversides from your LFS are good food sources.


New Member
Ok so i should have about 150 watts of light. Hmmmmmm...... I saw a to 96 watt light fixture but the are the square pin setting which makes the bulbs more expensive. I will check the website and see if they have good lighting setups. I did not know that you was supposed to feed it. How do i do so? By target feeding? The coloring is the outside is orange an the inside is a bright white and the tentacles are very short. It opens and closes ok.


Active Member
Like jacksonpt said, I think you can get away with your lighting...I have kept mine with less for the better part of a year...intensity and distance from the light are more important than wattage alone.
But it is very important to compensate by feeding meaty foods regularly. I feed mine squid every other day, and it is huge...
Also make sure you have some good current around it.