Bubble Trap


I got a bubble trap for my cpr bakpak protein skimmer today.....
I still have micro bubbles because the water is just flowing out of the top..
Does anyone else have this problem or know the solution??


I have that problem too, and i'm about to stick my skimmer in the refugium... I just don't want to in case my water level gets too low which could affect the skimmer's mechanics


I have that same skimmer... have you messed with the air flow at all? that might help. I used to have the same probmem but I can't remember what I did to fix it. I now have a small amount of green hair algae that grows on the return outlet, I trim it once in a while so it doesn't block out light but otherwise I leave it there because it pretty much does away with all the bubbles.. I found that the bubble trap didn't work, but the green hair does. I guess it's good for something after all eh?


Originally Posted by kayak385
I have the corallife skimmer 65gal fyi.
I'm in the same boat with the CSS. Is a few bubbles acceptable or should you have no bubbles? I have my the red return valve turned to the lowest setting.


i put that sock thing they give you inside the return pipe. that seemed to pretty much do away with the bubbles. that and i switched out the bio-bale for some live rock.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
Two tips, first, switch out the bioballs, slowly mind, but get a filter sock, and NO bubbles is best
filter sock, is that like a regular sock... seriously, whats a filter sock?