bubbled up watery eye on lion

j carter

My favoriye fish has a problem Sat Morning I looked at him he had a silver bubbled looking eye the next day it looked like water was in it little bubbles he seems to be blined in the eye the only thing I did was add a small lion and a angel could the angel bitten him or could he have scratched his self on a rock? Ihate it when something like this happens my lion follows you across the tank waiting for a dried shrimp lots of personality large size 9 inch no one in my area has heard of anything like this he still eats please help on info thank you.

j carter

The lion was never netted I have had him for 2 months I got him from a friend he has had him for a year I feed him Jumbo freeze dried shrimp 2-3 every other day sometimes krill all water conditions are great there are some slight bubbles in the tank I have a tide pool and a 1200 pump cutom drilled tank big skimmer 80 deg water temp I do have one large coarl.. It just happend over night.


Active Member
J Carter ,
You may want to reconsider what your feeding the lion. It should really get more of a variety of frozen foods. Freeze dried foods have little nutritional value. A varity of frozen shrimp, fish, squid, krill, and silversides would be beneficial to the lion in the long run. Also consider getting something such as selcon or zoe to saok the foods in for added vitamins and minerals.

j carter

I took some pictures of the lion's eye I'm going to post them this weekend the eye is more clear It now looks like a big clear bubble over his eye with a small air bubble in the corner silver look I don't think he can see out of It yet I was trying to give it a few days.
My fish shop in town gave me spectrogram made by aquatronics they said to use 4 gals of his water into a bucket with a air stone 3 capsules of spectrogram and give him a 5 hour dip would you recomend this?
what ever it takes I will do this is my favorite fish thanks for all your replys so far & I will put him on a better diet..