Bubbles and Elegants...?


I continuously hear horror stories about people having Elegant Corals that 'don't live long.' Has anyone had one that has lived for a long time? Are they difficult and should you try to stay away from them? THIS IS THE ONLY coral I have had a hard time keeping alive. How about water flow and lighting on these guys?
PLUS....what type of lighting and water flow is BEST for bubble coral? Just curious... :help:


Active Member
They were not historically hard to keep, however of late most have had issues with a disease that I believe has not been identified yet. Meaning treatment for it is unknown as well. I would steer clear, it is a matter of luck to find a healthy one; most seem to be in trouble.


Thanks for the information. Yea, you're right. ALL the corals I have are doing fine but for some reason an Elegant Coral 'simply doesn't cut it.'
They look fine for the first few days (at least mine anyway) and then they deteriate very quickly. Kind of sad considering the price that you pay.
Just my 2 cents worth....


Active Member
You may wish to google this coral and "Borneman" as he has been doing research on whatever is killing them.


Active Member
i always thought that at one time they were very easy and widly available, so much that they had to go deeper to get them and they dont do as well in the home aqurium


Active Member
I got a large one about a year ago knowing of all the horror stories, but as a miracle it has done great (knock on wood). I still say it is just purely luck!


Well, 3 strikes are YOU'RE OUT!
I have been ignorant enough to buy 3 of them in the last several months and WILL NOT buy another.
Thanks for everyones feedback.
A mysterious coral to say the least... :notsure:


I'm in the same boat...I had an elegance for about 3 months, looked great, beautiful color, woke up the next morning and my emerald crabs were eating the flesh because it wasn't blooming. The flesh was actually peeling away from the skeleton.

All this while all my other corals were doing amazing!
I did read however, that they absolutely cannot tolerate any nitrates in the tank. Water must be pristine. I ran a higher than normal number for a while(month). In my case that could've been my demise. Beautiful specimens, but personally will probably avoid them in the future.


Active Member
Actually in the wild they live in quite muddy relatively nutrient rich areas. They are NOT a coral that thrives in the pristine low nutrient high light high flow characteristic of most SPS systems.

fish lady

I have had mine for a year now and it is just doing amazing. It has grown about 3 x the size it was in the first year. I have lost a couple of fish and other things and it is still huge and healthy. Its kept in the corner with not alot of flow and it is under 400 w mh and grows like a weed. Must be luck then becuase until now I thought that it was the easiest thing in my tank and had the best growth rate.