Bubbles, Bubbles, Bubbles


To update you on the recent movements in the health of my tank you can check out this thread:
today i checked my tank and there are bubbles being released from everywhere, sand bed, rocks, algae on the rocks, EVERYWHERE!!!!!
my nemesis mr. hair algae is starting to rear its ugly head again and there are 100's of bubbles trapped in the algae that is reappearing on the rocks and bursting out of the sand bed(new sand area).
i have no idea whats going on...any thoughts?


Do you have a protein skimmer putting air bubbles into the tank or is it like you said just coming from no where? I hate to say it but I would start doing major water changes and turn your lighting cycle down because it sounds like the begining of an algae outbreak. Either Cyano or diatoms of some sort. I don't mean to alarm but unless you take care of it from the start it takes forever to get rid of. Post pics and parameters too.


dont have a skimmer, they were comming from no where. i got a gravel syphon and cleaned out some debrin in my sand bed and did a water change. That seemed to do the trick!!