Bubbles in my LS... What is it?


Ok, so I've got a LS bed that's 2"* in front that shrinks to nothing in the back of the tank (*I'm tring to find SouthDown in the Sacramento CA area). I've got a whole lot of "Bubbles" apearing in the LS anywhere from 1/8" down to about 1.5" down.
What is this? Normal? Good? Bad?


well, i can say that it's probably not bad :) it's either good or neutral. if it's neutral, it's trapped air that is somehow being stirred into the sandbed (but kind of unlikely) or oxygen being produced by photosynthetic bacteria in your sandbed. if it's good, it's nitrogen bubbles being produced by the denitrifying bacteria in your bed. these bacteria turn nitrates into nitrogen gas, in effect, reducing the overall nitrate level in your tank :) hope this helps ya out :)
my dsb started "farting" this week also. :D normal thing to do once it gets established. all the bacteria and what ever else thats in the sand bed have to do some thing with what they eat. can a dsb have "indigestion"? <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" /> if you're looking for s/d in sactown, check with "whipple" on this board. he was trying to get some west coast folks together to order a bulk load. :)


probably means that your sb is starting to do its job. when the bubbles form it causes anerobic zones thats what changes your nitrates to nitrogen gas which float to the top and are released. that is what keeps your nitrates low in your tank. just dont go stirring or digging or you will mess with the process.

car guy

bubbles in your sand bed are good, if you don't don't have bubbles your sand bed isn't working, therefore defeating the purpose of having a deep sand bed