bubbles in my sand


My tank has been up and running over a month now. Old LR from other tank and new sand that I take is really live now. My sand bed is only about 1 1/2 maybe 2 in some places, but I see alot of bubbles forming at what seem to be the end of the light cycle. Thay seem to slowly work there way to the top and come out or the critters nock em out.
This the norm for sand? I had CC before.


Yeah, its normal, just trapped air bubbles from when you added the sand. They should all come out in time.


Active Member
My tank has been up for more than a year, and I still have bubbles in my sand. I don't think it hurts anything though.


Active Member
2 different scenarios new set ups could be air trapped under the sand. Mature tanks could be gas build up, Sulfer, CO2, or even methane. I have read somethings about it, I dont have a lot of info I just started inquiring but its related to anerobic bacteria. Im sure more experienced reefers have lots more info.


Active Member
I don't think my bubbles are serious. When I turn my pump back on I have millions of bubbles that come out of the return lines for the first few seconds. I also have snails that turn up the sand all the time so I think my bubbles are of the non-toxic variety.


the bubbles in the sand are nitrate bubbles. they from in the sand bed. i was reccomended to not stir my sand that its better to have sand shifters. if you stir the sand the nitrates are released in your tank and it has alot of toxins in it. if you stir your sand bed do it right before a water change.