bubbles in tank


All over my rocks and even on some of my corals there are small bubbles (not bubble algae but air bubbles) all over the place. I have no idea where they're coming from but they look bad and are stressing out some of my corals, particularly an orange ricordia muchroom that I have. Does anyone have any isea where they are coming from? I do have some algae in my tank but I'm really not sure what kind it is and the bubbles seem to concentrate in it. Could this algae be the source of the bubbles?


Active Member
Some times in new start-ups this will happen. If it is what I am thinking of, use some thing to blow the small bubbles off all the services and it will go away after a little while.


Originally Posted by GeoJ
Some times in new start-ups this will happen. If it is what I am thinking of, use some thing to blow the small bubbles off all the services and it will go away after a little while.
The thing is is that it isn't a new set up. I did however recently add a new bag of live sand to it and it was after this that I started to notice them. I'll try using the turkey baister that I use to feed my corals to fe rid of the bubbles and see if that helps.


are you using RO water? ro kill phosphate i think thats how you spell it. what is your phosphate level at?