bubbles with the CPR2


I just bought a CPR2 Back Pak for my brand new 29 gal tank. Nothing in the tank except RO salt water.
Are there supposed to be a lot of tiny bubbles going out into the tank?
The only way it doesn't do this is if I turn off most of the air from the power head. It doesn't seem to produce enough bubbles for skimming when I turn the air down.
How much air is supposed to be going into the skimmer chamber?
Has this ever happened to you?


Active Member
I am using a CPR Bak Pak 2r on my 29gallon. When I first got the skimmer up and running it did the same thing that you speak of. The skimmer needs to build up a coating to get rid of the bubbles. My bubbles went away within a week. Some folks get rid of the bubbles in a day........some it takes a couple weeks. I would let it go for the time being and let it run it's course. Very good skimmer on a 29gallon IMO. I can't believe the sludge this thing pulls out of my tank. Good Luck.


Thanks Rye.
Do you open the air valve all the way?
It is producing sludge even with salt water only. I hope this is normal as well and not a sign that the RO water I bought isn' t really RO water.
I'm going to put LS and LR in tomorrow.


Active Member
I do keep the air valve wide open untill I feed the tank. I turn off the skimmer for a couple of hours a day during feeding time. I am not totally sure on this but, there is probably not much need for the skimmer yet untill you get some bio-load in there. It may hurt your cycle. I would wait on skimming just yet.


Active Member
rye, is the CPR better than the little red sea prizm?
how worth it would it be for me to upgrade on my 29?