

New Member
I have a question on wether or not I should use bubbles in my tank. I have a 55 gallon saltwater tank with two powerheads and two filters... but i was wondering if there is a need for additional bubbles in the tank?!?
Thanks in advance for any advice!!


No, bubbles will irritate your fishes gills, possibly causing death due to stress. Point a power head in a upward direction to get better air water mixture.


Don't add a bubbler. Along with gill irritation, it can cause pop eye as well as a big mess from salt creep. Power heads are good. What sized ones do you have? You should be able to feel the current 3/4 of the way, or more, across the tank. Have them pointing in opposite directions.


New Member
Ive had the tank for going on a year now... it was given to me fully set up by a friend... and he had two sets of bubbles in it when he gave it to me and i just never knew if the bubbles really needed to be in there... I eventually took the one side of bubbles out but kept the other side in.
I have a Fluval 4plus and a Maxi-Jet 600
The Fluval is on one side of the tank and the Maxi is in the middle... there is a good current inside the tank cause i can see it... I have a few weed anemones that sway from the current.