Bubbletip cruising the tank


I have read that at times bubbles in anenomes are not so good. My Bubble tip has wandered toward the back of the tank near a bubble wand. Should I move him to another part of the tank? Or just let him cruise?

blenny boy

New Member
my bubble moved around for about a week before finding a place to her liking (watch your intakes... mine got sucked up partially)


I had the same thing happen with my very first anemone I ever tried...a condy. He sat in one spot under an aquaclear 500 I turned on occasionally to do mechanical filtration, right in the downflow. He stayed mostly bent over under the pressure, and I thought..how can this be good for him, so I moved one of the rocks above to stick out into the downflow to divert some of the force...and then he moved. He wandered the tank for about a week until he found another spot on the other side of the tank, and sat there...much to my dismay...he slowly deflated...so he had torn himself moving around. (sigh) I was heartbroken, and leary to try another for fear the current and water wouldn't be satisfactory for him. Since then I've gotten brave and have two white Sebae anemone's who are doing fine, and one of them after six months still moves around albeit in a small area...between the side and back of a rock (of course the little bugger!). Anyway, moving can be dangerous for them, but isn't unnatural...when they find their sweet spot..they'll stop. ciao, Dave :)


i have had this little guy for about 3 mo. now. He has stayed on this particular rock unmoving until tonite. I checked the tank and everything is fine, he just wants to move. I am just worried about him hanging out in all those bubbles. I remember hearing a story about anenomes and how bubbles are bad.... am I incessantly babbling?