My bubbletip anemone was wondering around the tank a few days ago...all around the glass, all around my 140lbs of lr...just looking for somewhere to settle down I assume. 2 nights ago he was looking great and was set in a hole in my lr, but when I got up yesterday morning he was gone! Whe I got home from work last night, still not anemone. Did something eat him or did he disintegrate or something? If he's just hiding in the lr, why would he do this? Here is a list of my livestock (90gallon)
1 Tiger Cowie snail
1 small urchin
2 false percula clowns
1 Peppermint shrimp
5 blue leg hermits
many other little crabs
Any help is appreciated!
1 Tiger Cowie snail
1 small urchin
2 false percula clowns
1 Peppermint shrimp
5 blue leg hermits
many other little crabs
Any help is appreciated!