Bubblicious Split


Today my smallest rbta split. It was suprising because I missed it. I have been able to photograph all my other splits. I guess that is what happens around the holidays, just too busy. I thought I'd share.


Active Member
Very cool....Is one of them moving, trying to find a new spot away from the other yet?


In the past when my rbta's split, they usually stay close toeach other. It will be interesting to see what this one does because it was a gift from my brother. For him it wandered constantly, since I have had it about a month, it has stayed put. He never fed it, I feed every 2 days or so, no wonder it split but it has also stayed where I placed it.


Active Member
I guess they are all different, b/c mine has split several times, and each time, the smaller of the splits takes off on a vacation within a day or two and roams the tank...


Don't loose hope. For well over a year I had 1 enormous rbta, I'd read these threads and feel the same way. I'd tell myself that at least it was still alive and healthy. Today I have 6, it's time to start selling them off. I am going to sell several after the holidays at a club frag swap, it will finance a tank rebuild. It's going to be hard, they're my babies.