Budda(sp?)cardinal please help


New Member
I bought two Budda(sp?)Cardinals last Tue. The bigger of the two is doing great. Swimming all over the tank and eating. The little one hides, hangs out near the bottom and won't eat. Feeding frozen brine shrimp. Is there ANYTHING I can do? It doesn't seem that the others are bothering him.I also have a regal tang, foxface, and coral beauty. They told me they were both eating at the LFS.


Even if the others are not directly attacking him, he may still be very intimidated by the others. Also some fish just take longer to acclimate. Unfortunately all you can really do is wait and see or remove him.


New Member
I have a small floating box that was orginally meant for hatching fresh water fish. Do you think he'd feel safer in there for a few days?