Bug Eating Fish/Shrimp/Crab


Our tank has quite a few of these little bugs running around in the live rock. They are too fast to get a photo but I was wondering if anyone knew of a Fish/Shrimp/Crab that has been known to eat that sort of thing. They sort of resemble a silverfish but not as big and their tails tend to curve under a bit more. It's hard to explain. It was really no concern before but their numbers are multiplying rapidly.


They sound like copepods to me. If they are then you dont really want to get rid of them. In fact the more you have the better. Copepods are very beneficial to your tank and you can even buy them on this site under inverts and shrimp.


They probably are copepods or amphipods. They're a good sign. They're numbers will spike then level off naturally. If you're lookingfora fish that eats them try a six line wrasse. Mine make a b-line for them when ever it see's one.


Active Member
those are good guys. don't kill them. allow them to reproduce. they are crustaceans, if that makes you feel better, like little shrimp. any wrasse will eat them. if they are growing in numbers quickly, you might want to have a look at your feeding habits and maybe cut back a bit.


Thanks guys, I knew they werent Copes because of how big they are but you guys are right, they are amphipods. We did a google search and this is exactly what they look like.
(This isnt my image, I borrowed it from somewhere)
Since they are sort of large.. some getting about the size of my pinky nail in length will the fish mentioned in this post eat them? I don't mind them being there but they are getting a bit out of control. I guess they cause no harm since our tank is FOLR. We will start watching to make sure we aren't overfeeding the tank Mr_X. Luca, Our tank is 55 gallons.
Actually since I now know that are amphipods, I did a search on this forum and found some other threads including this one. Thank you all for the help! I really do appreciate the advice.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rune
Thanks guys, I knew they werent Copes because of how big they are but you guys are right, they are amphipods. We did a google search and this is exactly what they look like.

(This isnt my image, I borrowed it from somewhere)
Since they are sort of large.. some getting about the size of my pinky nail in length will the fish mentioned in this post eat them? I don't mind them being there but they are getting a bit out of control. I guess they cause no harm since our tank is FOLR. We will start watching to make sure we aren't overfeeding the tank Mr_X. Luca, Our tank is 55 gallons.
Actually since I now know that are amphipods, I did a search on this forum and found some other threads including this one. Thank you all for the help! I really do appreciate the advice.
Although that is considered a competitors website. Yep amphipods, their numbers go in cycles as time goes on you will see, an over abundance of them for a while and then not so many for a while.