bug eye


New Member
help my clarki has one eye that looks like it is bugged out. just took all the crushed coral out of our tank and put in live sand did it on sunday. i need help he was my first fish


Need some water paramiters and setup information all you can give me.
Did you do a water change during the switch from cc to sand?
Was there a lot of cloudiness in removing the crushed coral?
Were the fish still in the tank during the switch?
What size tank is this?
What is your filtration methods?
Do you run a skimmer?
If you removed the fish during the switch did you use a net at all?
Any indications that your tank is going through a mini cycle?
Do you have a Quarentine tank setup?
Please take the time to read the sticky at the top of this forum on how to post when you have a sick fish.
Need information.
In the meantime get a water change ready, at least a 30% of your total volume.


New Member
he was could not catch him. 100 gallon tank set up for 2 years filters are 350 mag 4pound bio balls birlin skimmer uv staralizer mag 7 for pump on overflow box pumps 700 gallons per hour 4 power heads, tank mates are 1 snowflake eal, 1yellow tang, 1 flame angel, 1 stars and stripes puff, 1 brittle star, triger did not make it 2 day after i got him water is ammon. 0, nitrates 0, nitrites 0, ph 8.5, salt 1.022


I susspect that with chasing your fish around with a net then he may have hit something and caused the damage to the eye as long as he was normal before the switch. A Water change may help if there is a water quality issue, but if the eye trama was caused by hitting rocks, heaters or anything else then an infection may be happening.
Try to take a good look at the fish and see if the eye is not only extended, but see if there is any damage like cuts or scars, redness.
Once again do you have a way to quarentine this fish seperately from the others? You may find that you will have to do this if it becomes necessary to treat him with Marycin Two.
Terry your thoughts?


New Member
no we have never set qt tank have never seemed to need one till now i cant get a good look at him he run behind his favorate rock he is still eating good


Staff member
That pH is a bit on the High side. Any reason for that? Are your fish used to being in the tank with that high pH?
I would suggest offering the fish garlic soaked food. It may be that you will need to QT the fish and treat him with antibiotics. Do you have a QT?


New Member
no qt tank ass of yet started setting one up today bought tank and painted bottom black bought small pengqin filter and heater ph is what lfs suggested 3 out of 4 stores we have always had it at that what do you suggest on ph


Staff member
You did paint the bottom on the outside right? Just want to be sure.


Terry, What is a good Quarentine setup? I think you make an excellent point.You have convinced me.I just started the change from CC to sand.Doing a little at a time. I sifoned out some CC a couple of days ago and it created a little mess.My clown died last night.I had it for about 6 months and it was always pretty healthy.His eyes were bugged out also.I have to beleive that what I did caused it.Thank God everything else looks good.I think clowns are too fragile. Thanks