"bug of the week" ?


I read in an earlier post that there was an ongoing bug of the week; it was Kip's cirolanid isopod thread.
Where is this bug of the week post, or is it a reference to a commonly occuring thread theme?
As for how to catch the isopod. I have been talkin to a marine biologist friend of mine, we both collect WC and teach/coach a summer kids marine sciences exploration camp, and he agrees with the coke bottle trap idea. Make the trap out of a small enough trap mouth to match the size of your prey and include a draw cord so you can pull it quickly once you see the little bugger in there.


Active Member
Go to the top and click the search button. Type in "bug of the week" (no qoutes) in the search section (upper left) and then scroll down the page to search options---pick only to search in reef forum and also click on search thread titles only----that will take you to it. HTH