Building a DURSO with slipxslip bulkhead


how do i get my durso to be 1 1/4 PVC from my 1" bulkhead if it isnt threaded.. i went to HD and i didnt see anything that adapts 1" to 1 1/4 without threads.... UGHHH plus i dont think 1 1/4 T and street ell is gonna fit in my overflow 5x5" overflow and my hole is in the middle.


I would be interested in this questions myself. I would like to make a durso style, but trying to get it to fit inside a small box and be effective is another thing. Right now, I just drilled the right amount of holes in a pvc pipe with a bleeder hole on the top, to balance the flow, but I get surges in the sump area because it lacks the right amount of air in the drain system itself.


well the 1" durso are pointless every1 says so i did the 1 1/4 one i finished and it doesnt fit.. my overflow isnt big enough to put the 1 1/4 elbow and stuff. i trimmed the part of it that goes in to get it smaller. stil wont fit
so i decided to just take off where the T goes on it and leave it off
and just leave the top open and just drill holes in the 1 1/4 PVC so the water goes down that way. and ima try to put the cap on it and poke a small hole to keep it quiet.


Curious, why is the 1" pointless? Doesn't it depend on how much water you are moving?
From my experience, drilling the small hole in the cap is what is causing the surges in my sump. Buy a few caps and drill different size holes in them for a trial and error fit to see what works best. HTH.


didnt fit so ill just do this.. and drill like 1/4 holes around it and a hole in the top and hopefully it will give me the flow that i need..


Active Member
I'm not an expert on plumbing fittings so I don't know the correct names of some things. Is your bulkhead threaded or slip? Either way you can use a fitting kinda like a reducer but to go the other way though and increase the pipe size to where you want it. Just and idea.... alot of times you just have to go to the store and start picking up pieces and piece it together there


Active Member
HD is not the end all for plumbing supplies. If you need a bigger variety try and find a plumbing supply store in your area or even a well stocked plumbing shop. The one that I like sell sinks and stuff in the front and has a good supply area in the back. There are also two industrial plumbing supply companies called Harrington and Ryan Herco. Why do I mention them? Because they have websites and you can see what is available.

king bubba

First of all, that particular HD isn't carrying a full line of PVC fittings or they would have the one you are looking for. I would also go to the Durso website and look at the vertical version. A couple of years ago I used two verticals because of less space than you have and they worked very well. Because of budget restrictions (and because I am cheap!) I drill 1/16" holes in my air control cap. I usually do three in a 1" bulkhead run and instead of multiple caps, I either cover a hole with silicone or even scotch tape when setting one up. Once a month you should run a toothpick around in your holes (doesn't sound right , does it?) to keep them from clogging. Gurgling and cycling can result from both too little or too much air. There are some hard fast rules for Durso's and a good performer is well worth the time. I think that they are great and will be happy to continue this thread in the interest of helping out.


u guys dont understand. i found all the parts for the durso. all of them. but the durso doesnt fit in my overflow box. any direction. with the T and the street ELL 1 1/4" is way to big. so i just decided to do a basic straight one and listen to the gargling and flushing LOL


Active Member
I'm saying I've tried the straight pipe method back in the early 90's and with the holes drilled you will get the gurgling slurping sound!!!!!!!! The setup is suppose to have the holes drilled at angles as well....Have you thought about using serrated pipe???? Kinda looks like egg crate, but is round tubing??? That would work better than the DIY drilled holes IMO....


Originally Posted by MikeGray
u guys dont understand. i found all the parts for the durso. all of them. but the durso doesnt fit in my overflow box. any direction. with the T and the street ELL 1 1/4" is way to big. so i just decided to do a basic straight one and listen to the gargling and flushing LOL
Mike, It is physically impossible to get 1 1/4" pipe in there. You need to use smaller pipe...maybe 1" or even 3/4". That is why I am curious that you can't use smaller pipe as you stated in an earlier post..


bacffin i just said that cause on dursostandpipes he said with a 1" bulkhead u need 1 1/4 to work correctly. he said 1" is a nono heh


but what does fit. i can use the 1 1/4" durso all the way up including the T. but the street ell would have to be a 1" would this be just as effective? or no. cause that WILL fit. but 1 1/4 wont.
stockman directions building?


i finally found a stockman pic and directions. it was for 1" pvc. and the coupling was 1.5. i have 1 1/4" pvc cut for the overflow. so do i use a 2" or 2.5" coupling?

king bubba

Thanks Squidd. You posted a simple picture of the vertical Durso I was referring to. Forgot it was developed by Ken Stockman. Any how, reefcenral has a DIY section and under durso you will find Stockman. These parts are also commonly available thru most HD's and involve nothing more than a pair of large holes at the same place on opposite sides of a pipe. The holes are covered with a larger adapter that will slide down over the pipe with the holes thus providing a quiet movement of water. Still uses an air cap for control and if you don't glue everything together is infinitely adjustable. Still don't need an air valve, just a couple of 1/16 inch holes in the cap. Super simple, efficient and cheap.