Building a LARGE Tank



I have been shopping for a larger tank... I am wanting a taller one than what is commonly available. A 125 gal is only about 19 inches tall, give or take a couple inches. I think a 2-1/2, or maybe even 3 foot tall tank is what I want. I want to make it at least 5 feet long, too. This could end up being a 175 or 200 gallon piece.
Height x width x length, in inches, then divide by 231, = gallons. The glass would necessarily have to be thick, but how thick? I can find nothing which details that aspect of building one's own tank. The glass of the 200 gallon tank at the lfs was 1/2 inch thick. It was also $1250.00. I am hoping to build one for substantially less money than that. A "short" 125 with hood and light fixture is $300.00. I will build a stand/base cabinet for the proposed tank, as I am wanting it to be more than 28 inches from the floor, also.
Someone please tell me that I'm not off my rocker, and this can be done.
Comments and suggestions will be welcomed!


Active Member
Sure WingsnFins,
Anything can be done, most anything if possible.
I have zero experience at building a saltwater tank, but it sounds pretty cool.
One point I will mention.
If the desired tank height is 3 feet ( 36 inches ) and you want it 28 inches up off the floor, let's see 36" + 28" = 64"
That's 5 feet 4 inches from floor to top rim of tank. You'll need a ladder, scaffolding and some long ass arms to reach the bottom of the tank :p
I wish you luck - have at it !


Building a fish tank sounds like fun. I think i will do that one day too ... hope somebody posts the info. on how to go about it the right way. That would be a big MESS if it didnt turn out. YIKES.
GOOD LUCK ... and of course we will want to see lots of pics :)


OOOOHHH MAN, I priced glass today: 1/2" annealed glass with polished edges was $165.00 for a 60" x 30", woweee! About $620 in glass alone! Still, half price of a commercially available tank. ( I need to discuss this with the bank first )LOL. This is turning out to be quite an eye-opener.
In other news, my 5-1/2 gallon tank finished it's cycle with nit's and ammo at Zero ! I put in 4 Blue Leg Hermits today with the Damsels, and they are already going to work ! I feel like I have accomplished a major goal in SW with such a small tank. ( the lfs has Seahorses for $20.00 each. Now to catch the Damsels...


Remember, the higher the tank the more lighting to get to the bottom, makes it very hard if you want to ever go reef.


It would be worth it to me to spend double the cost of materials to have a pre-fab, GUARANTEED, tank. If that much water got loose in the house, I'd want someone to yell at, instead of kicking my own a*$ for the rest of eternity ;) Not to mention the cost of drilling for sump, and various other things that ALWAYS come up in the middle of a project.
[ May 31, 2001: Message edited by: KDLBEM ]


You're kidding, right Trey? Plywood? Tell me more...


I have seen several home built tanks most were all glass but the few very larg tanks that I have seen only had a glass front and the other three sides and bottom were built with a plywood form and fiberglass covering over the plywood. I would recomend that if your going to use plywood that you use only pressure treated wood. but be carefull because CCA presure treated wood has Pesticides in it to be resistant to termites.

the new guy

I have seen some DIY tanks but nothing that big. If you would like the link please send me an e-mail...


well i have built four tanks so far all are custom and specialty tanks.the thing is a tank that size would be in my opinion uncomfortable to clean i think you would have to go diving in it to clean the side walls.but anyway the cost of the glass would be greatyou will need 1/2 inch sidewalls and 3/4 inch bottom you don't sand the edeges of the glass the rough cut would be a better bondalso the silicone would cover the corners anyway the only edge to sand would be the top so you don't get cut.the silicone around here is 12.00 dollars a tube you will need around six can e-mail me at if you persist on this system i will give you speces on how to lay it out

grumpy vet

New Member
Have you seen the website w/ the guy that has the 4000G tank in his basement? It is unreal.
He actually goes scuba diving in it to clean it. Drop me a line and I'll get you the link. I am nervous to post anymore links on this board.
This guy has some caulerpa out of 1 of his 2 200G refugiums on its way to me.


I think I may still build one. The plywood sounds interesting, but I think I would like to see in the sides as well. I;ll try to find the links, watch out for an e-mail from me, though! Thanks everyone!

mr. tang

I just recently finished building a Stand and canopy for my 90gal. I am 6'4" and got sick of the backaches associated with looking at tanks on 28" (or smaller stands) so I built one that is 40" tall with a hood that is about 15 inches tall. I love it, so I say go for it with your taller stand! :) :) :)