Building a PVC overflow through a wall. Need help


I've finally built my acrylic sump/refuge. It's 3/8" acrylic 48"L x 18"W x 20" H. I have 4 compartments including an area for frags etc...
I will take photos and leak test this weekend.
Now I need to work on the overflow.
Since the tank is not drilled and there is no room behind the tank for a hang on overflow, I will be building a PVC overflow to go through the wall into the garage. I have all of my filtration etc.. in the garage on the shared wall.
My question is can I have the actual upside down "U" portion of the overflow go straight for a couple of inches ot clear the thickness of the wall? Or am I better off getting a bigger PVC U tube or flexible tubing and somehow getting that through the wall?
My DT is 150G and sump is approx 75G.
I am thinking of going with 1 1/2" PVC and for now I will keep my cannister filter as a separate system that also goes through the wall as that is already plumbed and works great. I will use that as my carbon filter only.
Any help would be great.


I dont understand how the water is go to go up the U tube....?
If you can get water to do that, then I don't see any reason a couple extra inches would do any harm....


I am planning on using this as a model.
The section where the yellow arrow is will be going throught the wall. I may use some flexible PVC in this area to make it easier to get a curve through the wall. The wall is 4 inches thick with insulation.


looks like it would work no matter what length that pipe through the wall is.....give it a try