Building a Reef Tank?


New Member
Hey guys, I have had a FOWLR tank for a while now and would like to move up to building a reef tank from it. I wanted to know what equipment I would need for it? And also any other info I would need to know.
Thanks for any input!


Active Member

First we need to know what size tank, what Equipment and lights you have now.
Also need to know what inhabits your tank right now.


New Member
Oh okay. Well my tank is about 60 (a little unsure). I have an Eheim canister filter. I have a coralife super skimmer 125. As of lights I have no idea! (I bought it as a package from a reseller and have been using what came with it.) I know I will be needing to update lighting soon anyways.
I have one sailfin tang, a percula clown, and a blue fin damsel (probably getting rid of him soon because he gets too aggresive sometimes). Oh and one pink tip haitian anemone.


Active Member
Do you have any pictures. I would think about upgrading to a sump/fuge.
The canister will not be enough
Check your lights, are they pcs or t5s. If you have an anemone, how is it? they need plenty of light.
How big is your sailfin. They get quite large and will out grow your tank
How much flow do you have? powerheads?


New Member
No pics at the moment. But that's what I was thinking. About adding a sump/fuge.( The only thing is I know nothing about it.)
My anemone is doing just fine. He moves around the live rock a lot. As for my tang, he is only medium sized. And i have one Koralia #1 and one Koralia #2. And the lighting is pcs.