Building a stand


Hi guys, I am going to start an aggressive tank in about a month and don't want to pay 200 bucks for a stand, so I figured I would build my own. It will be a 75 gallon tank most likely. Does anyone have any plans for building a nice stand or suggestions on how to do so? Building material, etc. Also, can anyone give me a rough estimate of how much this will weigh? Thanks.


i just started building the base to my 75 gallon stand today
i used 4x4's for the corner legs, and connected each with 2x4's running about 6 inches up and then connected again with 2x4's about a foot and a half above those, I bolted the legs to the 2x4's and now all i have to do to it is cosmetics...
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thats pretty much what it looks like lengthwise 48"
then i ran 2x4's widthwise the same way 18"
I'm planning on using plywood to cover up the frame and then use somthing like cherry for cosmetic work
so far for the base it has cost me $60 for wood +16nuts bolts and washers, 4 for each leg... i used 6" bolts at 1/4"