Building a tank


Has anyone built an aquarium? I have to move to a different city soon, and what i was thinking of doing is building a nice big tank and stand, setting it up and cycle it. I'd leave my tank (with roomates) as is until the new one was ready, then move everything down. Any info or advice for moving would be great! tks


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by spacemonkey
Has anyone built an aquarium? I have to move to a different city soon, and what i was thinking of doing is building a nice big tank and stand, setting it up and cycle it. I'd leave my tank (with roomates) as is until the new one was ready, then move everything down. Any info or advice for moving would be great! tks

I would move first. that way you will know much better about the final place for the tank. You could make a tank out of wood with a window on one side for viewing. Design it yourself and get exactly what you want. that way you could have the tank, stand, filtration, and lighting all in one package.
If you must start a tank before the move, try a small (nano). You could use that to seed the larger tank.