Building a Wall Unit for 180 Gallon. Any Books with Blue Prints?


I'm going to be putting together what will be a 180 gallon wall unit in my dining room area. I've never built a stand before, I have been looking online for ideas and reading the forum, I know what I am looking to do but would like a book if possible for some ideas.
Does such a book exist? If so whats the name?
im a carpenter and i build houses. the first thing you need to do is to see if your floor will hold it? then i would probaly use 2x6 and 2x4 for the stand and use 16 sinker nails. then i would place the tank where i want my wall and go form there. home depot has good books. if your stuck le tme know i can help or draw up something for you.


Hey thanks alot..
I might need to reduce to a 150 or even a 125 because I am in a Condo on a higher floor so I don't want it to fall through the floor )
I was looking for something along the lines of blue prints for storage space for left and right of the tank.
The space for the tank is a L and on 1 wall with be the Tank spanning the wall with storage where there is room, on the other part of the wall under a bay window I wanted to build a seating area.
Was just wondering if there was something out there that already had dimesions etc.
I will have questions for sure when I go to build the stand, so thanks for offering help.