building custom tank stand..may have major problem


I have purchased a 180 gallon custom tank to use as a room seperator, the overflows are on the right and left side of the tank. Well I was all excited to start building my stand and realized that I have a problem. I did not take into account that one side of the room has a 18" drop off and the other side has a sunk in living room, the tank would be sitting in between the two rooms but I can not make the stand 36" or the tank will be way too high. I am trying to figure out the height I can put it, so it would not be so high you can not see it from either side but I am not sure low you can make a stand without causing problems or if you can have all of the equipment outside the tank since you have to run pipe anyway. Unfortunately this is the only place I have that I can put a tank. I can kick myself but the excitement of setting one up overtook common sense. Well if anyone has suggestions that would be great. If it is not possible to make it work then I will just have to get rid of it
. Thanks in advance for any help.


Active Member
do you have a basement or somewhere you can put the equiptment? it does not have to be directly under the tank.


Unfortunately not, but I do have alot of room next to where I want to put the tank if I am able to put the sump and equipment near the tank. I just do not know how long the pipes can be, or how strong of a pump I need to move the water. I do need to bring the tank in and see exactly how high I can set it up so it can look good, but I do not think it will be high enough for equipment. This is such a perfect spot to put a tank, it will look great I just hope there is a way around this problem. Again thanks for any help, and for the reply.


Active Member
If you can put a sump near the tank instead of under it all the better. You can buy stronger pumps to push the water.
My sump and refugium are under my 180. While it looks great, cleaning salt creep, changing light bulbs, removing pumps to clean, etc. all is a pain.


New Member
I know it might be a little bit pricey, but get a custom sump made with one side higher and have a step down. Have the over flow flow to the taller part then flow down to the refug. just a thought. you could order the acrylic and make it your self of corse