Built in overflows or HOB overflow box?


As I get closer into my upgrade I start t second guess previous decisions or begin to think "What if?"
So once again I'll ask for opinions.
I can get my tank with dual overflows in each corner, or I can get without and use a HOB overflow box.
I am using a HOB now and have never had any issues with it.
Which would you get?
I like the look of tanks without big black boxes in the corners plus they take up space.
What is the real benefit of internal overflows?

bang guy

Internal overflows do take up a bit more space inside the tank.
Internal overflows do not rely on a siphon to work and gravity never fails.
The much larger tubing for the overflow is much less likely to get clogged.
With dual overflows and a right-sized pump, one overflow can keep the tank working if one overflow gets clogged.
It's easier to install a Durso overflow with an internal to quiet a noisy overflow.