Bulb replacement and Lighting Schedule


I have a 90gal reef, that I have had set up for about 9 months, but I bought from someone else that had it set up for several years. For lighting I have 2x250w MH and 2x40w Actinics. I am replacing the bulbs and had 2 questions.
1 I have read that I should only run the MH for about 4 hours a day for the first 2 weeks so that they will “Burn in”, it that true?
2 I want to start adding some coral to the tank, and I wanted to get suggestions on a lighting schedule. My thought is run the Actinics from Noon to 10pm, one MH from 1pm to 8pm and the other from 2pm to 9pm. What do you think?


Active Member
Last time I replaced bulbs I jsut replaced them without "burn in" time and nothing seemed to care.
My lighting schedule is 1030am - 930pm actnics
Halides 1130am - 830pm
Just what I do and did without any repercussions.