Bulb tip anemone question


*EDIT* Sorry I posted this here, I meant it for the anemone section
I've had this anemone for over 2 months now and when I placed it in my tank it looked like an actual bulb, but after time went by it's tips starting looking just like normal tips without the "bulb". Is this normal? Another thing is that it seems to run away from MH because it's been wandering all round the tank and it finally seems to have picked a spot where there's no MH light. I feed 2-3 times a week and it extends pretty wide, ut doesn't show the bulb tips anymore.
Does anyone know why this could be happening? Thanks!



i had a rose bubble tip once.
it would move around every couple months. same as yours, firsy got it had the tips, then they deflated over time.
my RBA started off the size of a small orange when i got it(first tank30 long) then i moved it to my 54 corner and it grew to the size of a dinner plate! it then got the bulbs back. then it split in 3! one got taken by the powerhead soon after. i had the other 2 for years before powerheads took them.
i'd say give it time. it will go where it's happy then probally blow back up. just keep it away from powerheads.(what a mess!)