Bulk rock


Hello. I was not sure where to post this thread, so if there is a better forum, that'd be great if you could my thread there.
Have any of you found a bulk source of rock? I want 75 lbs of tufa rock, and I don't have any idea how to get a large amount. For my 20g, I just went to ***** and got some carved tufa rocks, then arranged them in my tank so that they looked natrual. This would NOT work if I wanted 75 lbs, lol.
I could get 75 lbs of live rock for $150, on a florida live rock site, but I do think there should be a place where I can get tufa rock/dead rock in bulk.


Well-Known Member
First of all, you can not post competitors links on this site. I'm sure that they will remove the link as quick as possible.
For another thing, the rock may only cost $2 per pound, but by the time you pay 1.25 per pound for shipping you're already paying 3.25 per pound. You also don't know what kind of quality you are getting, or even what type of rock stucture you are getting. Personally, I think it is best to buy from live fish stores because then you get to be choosy on the structure of the rock.
Anyways, just my $0.02