Bulkhead Seal Question


I just set up my 75g acrylic tonight. Long story short, I have a square patch of acrylic attached to the inside of the glass, and the outside of the glass around the bulkhead due to a crack that I caused when drilling the hole for the overflow. I only have one seal and when I initially set the overflow up with the seal on the inside of the tank, there was a very small drip leak around the outside of the bulkhead. I drained the tank a bit, put the seal on the outside of the tank, tightened it down hard and now the problem seems to be solved. I plan on running to the store tomorrow to buy a seal for the inside, but I wanted to know if this will be OK temporarily.


Active Member
Depending on how big the crack is I may be worried about this. Are you hooking PVC up to the bulkhead? There are some streeses caused by the bulkhead and the attached piping especially if you don't stabilize the pipe somehow to limit vibration. Also not sure how large the acrylic on each side of the glass would have to be to spread out the stresses.
Gonna tag along here because I know there are some on here that would be able to elaborate on this.