Bully in new tank



Hi - I just started a tsank with 9 fish...2 clowns, 2 black velvet damsels, 2 lemon damsels, 2 yellow tail damsels and 1 yellow tang. I already see that one of the black velvet damsels is chasing other inhabitants. Any suggestions on what to do about this? Thanks


Remove the fish, possibly take it back to the LFS, you may want to rethink the damsels. Damsels are aggressive and will become more aggressive with maturity.
What size tank do you have?
When was the tank set up?


Thanks for reply. I think the LFS thought that since all fish were being introduced at same time they would be ok. Problem is I am in Hong Kong and LFS has limited English skills, so I'm really glad I found this active board to help with my questions. Certainly adds a new dimension to learning a new hobby, but I'm determined!
Tank is 30 gals. I had it up & running for 6 weeks before I added fish.


Active Member
that seems a bit small for all those fish. from what i hear at adulthood yellow tangs need atleast 100gal. but u mite have one setup already so i dont no. ur in hong kong?
sweet pick me up an eye of the tiger plz, and say hi to jacky chan


Active Member
That is way too many fish for a 30 gallon, which is probably contributing to the aggressiveness. Adding them all at once also probably threw your tank into another cycle. Be sure to watch your water parameters closely.


Active Member
and dont forget youve really got to think of upgrading or at least get rid of a couple damsels and the yellow tang! or youll have a lot of dead fish due to bad water and aggressiveness!


OMG!! Should I monitor water parameters daily? I hope the store will take the fish back, but Hong Kong merchants don't do that much. I'll see what happens today.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hongkongma
OMG!! Should I monitor water parameters daily? I hope the store will take the fish back, but Hong Kong merchants don't do that much. I'll see what happens today.

I would check them everyday.


Active Member
from what i can se in your tank the biggest problem is the yellow tang your tank is def way to small to support any type of tang.as for the amsels are aggressive and will not mix well no matter what type or how big the tank is.if you placed those same fish in a 125 they would be aggressive and eventually kill each other off.clowns are also of the damsel family.so basicly you have added 4 pairs of damsels species into one small tank .def try to find new homes for some of these fish tang first for its safety