Bully pseudochromis


I got a mandarin about a month ago, and my purple pseudochromis has it out for him. He only allows him a small area of the tank and I think he might starve without access to the other 100 pounds of LR he can't get at. I tried to physically move the mandarin to the other side of the tank but he was rapidly chased back to the corner again. I know pseudochromis are territorial fish, but what should I do? Should I remove him to a hang on refugium for a while and then reintroduce it after everybody gets more comfortable? How long would I have to wait for him to forget his territory?


Active Member
He will always be agressive- that is just the temprament of a psuedochromis. Small but agressive, it limits the fish you can have(if having a comunity tank) so i would find a new home for it- or get more agressive fish-HTH

mr . salty

Active Member
I hate to say it,but the psudo should go...They are a terrible choice for a community tank..I made the mistake of having one for awhile,and was glad to see him go.He instantly killed a manderine I tried to put in the tank,also harrassed to death a couple of gobies...this fish will only get meaner as he grows.So someday he WILL kill the manderine...


well just to give u another look at things,
i have had both my mandrian and psudo together for well over 6 months and the psudo does not even look at the mandrian, he does however chase the diamond gobies all day long


I had a lone aiptasia and put a few pep shrimps in to nip it in the bud. When I first put them in, the pseudo was picking on them, and I figured they'd all be eaten by morning. Well, nope - 2 weeks later and the shrimps are still alive. Come on, if it can't take out the pep shrimps, then I'm not worried about anything else in my tank!
I'm not complaining - got rid of the aiptasia, and no sign of any others. The pseudo is a nice looking fish - great color.


Active Member
get rid of it, if its a bicolor, go with a royal gramma. ..the colors fade, but they are friendly.... and tend to stay out and about!!!