Bullying Tomato Clown?


I have noticed that every time my jawfish comes out of his burrow, even a little bit, my clown scares him back in and/or nips him. What could be the reason our clown is acting this way? (NOTE: the jawfish is under a rock of brain coral.) Any ideas?


Active Member
How big is your tank? Tomato's don't play well with others if there isn't enough space. Sometimes rearranging your rock work works to tame aggression. Everyone has to find a new home.
Good Luck!


It is tough when a fish gets an attitude with a little guy like a jawfish. If he keeps doing it the jawfish will not get food and will probably only last a limited amount of time. I've never had a tomato clown i have had true percs and they are not that aggresive but i have heard that tomatoes are. Good luck.