Bump on Blue Hippo


My blue hippo has a bump on his head above his eye. It's hard to see the color I think it is a light white or gray. I let the water change go to long this time. I hope I didn't kill him. He just got this bump today. I have a fish only tank and I have a clown fish and a royal gramma and some crabs. The blue hippo's color has been fading for a couple days. I feed him TetraMarine Flakes, freeze dried plankton, ProSalt seaworm supreme, and I have ProSalt pro v 100% vegetable that I haven't given it lately. I have had him for months now with no problems. I was just going to order some more to put into my tank but I guess I won't. Any help with saving my blue hippo would be appreciated! (I have a 75 gal. tank) Thanks!

terence trent

Do you have any live rock in your tank, if not you could use some stronger copper medications (cross refrence this with someone else first though before doing.)
My hippo first got sick in a reef, and I soaked his food in garlic oil. You can usually get it at the grocery store. Stuff smells awful!