bumps on clown goby


Active Member
I just bought this clown goby 5 days ago. Yesterday I noticed he had two little bumps or knobs sticking out of his head. He ate well when fed and is acting pretty normal. I had not noticed this before and I'm pretty sure they just appeared. Any idea what these knobs are?


Active Member
They are gone from when I originally posted this. But some others have come and gone as well. They are very small bumps that have basically the same color as the rest of the fish. I have also seen some small whitish disolorations, but those areas do not appear to be swelled. Other than that the fish is eating well and acting normal.
I have an oscellaris clown in there too. It has looked good all along. The clown was in the tank first and I noticed on the first day or two of having the goby that the clown was kind of nudging the goby out of his territory. Sometimes the goby would get pushed against a rock when that happened. They seem to get along better now. But I wonder if the marks on the goby might just be from the clown pushing him around a little at first.
I added some fresh garlic to my brine shrimp over the weekend. I don't have a QT right now unfortunately.