bunch of stuff for trade


Active Member
ive got a few things for trade. looking for mostly zoas, but if you have something you think i might be interested in, offer it up.
** click the pics to make 'em bigger, so you can actually see what your looking at**
first up is this whole rock, its about 5" x 5" covered in GSP and jolly green ginat zoas.

next is fuzzy green grass mushrooms. the same ones that are sold here on swf.com. i have three already fragged and mounted, but have more i can frag if anyones interested. these grow really quick, you can see the mother colony on the bottom, left hand side of the tank. each shroom is bigger then 2 quarters put together

radioactive dragon eyes. different amounts available. let me know how many youre interested in.

blow pop zoas, a few available. again, let me know how many you want.

i also have green encrusting montipora if anyones interested. dont have any good pics, but you can see a piece of it in the radioactive dragon eyes pic, its on the left.
and i have green ricordia, but we all know what that looks like so no pics, unless absolutley neccessary.


I am interested in your two zoa rocks or whatever portions you have avail. I have a nice leather, some pink zoas, small sabae, md GBTA to trade.


Active Member
i'm interested and on LI but i only have red rust shrooms available for trade at this time


Active Member
anthonyjc- do you have pics of the pink zoas?
laxzach- ive already got one leather, not looking for another. you have anything else?
drea- how many shrooms do you have, what were you interested in?


Active Member
anthonyjc- def interested in those pink zoas.
which zoas were you interested of mine? id like about 15 of the pinks so i could do like 7-10 of each of mine. we could do ups ground shipping for like a few bucks and probly have them in a day. let me know.


Active Member
im really looking for some xenia as well. a stalk would be all i need. most stuff grows extremely fast in my tank.


i would like maybe 15 of the dragon eye ones, I've also got xenia for you if you'd like, i can post a pic tomorrow. say we will ship on monday ?


Active Member
ok does this sound good:
15 of your pink zoas and a stalk of xenia
15 of my radioactive dragon eyes and like ten or so polyps of the blow pop zoas(ill try and get you a decent amount, there kinda hard to get off that rock there on though, but ill promise you at least ten)
and well ship ups ground on monday?
email me at mcfly2k5@yahoo.com
give me your adress and ill give you mine


Active Member
i have plenty i can trade, i can send some pix too..... let me know.. i'm interested in whatever you have extra of(although the radio active zoas would be my first choice), i love zoas, i only have a small colony of them(blue and orange) i'm up for a small or larger trade, whatever is better for you


Active Member
thanx!! i feel the same way about tacomas,,,i was gonna ask if ya had a taco on 38s are you on customtacos at all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
i have plenty i can trade, i can send some pix too..... let me know.. i'm interested in whatever you have extra of(although the radio active zoas would be my first choice), i love zoas, i only have a small colony of them(blue and orange) i'm up for a small or larger trade, whatever is better for you