Buncha Damsels, Grouper, Trigger?? Cycle....


what is the best way to cycle a 92 gallon tank. I figure that a bunch of damsels would be better than just say one grouper or another messy fish. how many should i use?


When i got my 85 i went out and bought some live sand, live rock and threw it into my tank to help it cycle and then a few weeks later put 4 damsels in it. It seemed to work pretty good. You can also use this stuff from marineland called BioSpria..Its suppose to cycle your tank in 24hours.


Active Member
Why waste the money?
You can:
- Add live sand and uncured LR, which will cycle....
Any part of the above plus:
- Shrimp from the grocery store
- Buncha fish food
- ammonia
Why use fish? The advantage goes to the store, who sells fish..may buy them back (not at full price) so they can resell them again.
Typically, your tank (using a damselfish method) would require about 18 damsels (coming from the "lets make some money LFS perspective." You over feed them to spike the ammonia, leaving dead fish in there as you go. What survives, you have to fish out and return to the LFS, for less than half of what you paid, in all likelihood.
Not to menion it does subject the fish to rather unpleasant conditions.
LR and LS will help speed up the cycle in most cases. It is a good investment as most people will use it in the tank anyway.
So for me, I would go the cheapest route. :yes: Shrimp from the grocery store.
I do not BTW, recommend trying to cycle the tank in 24hrs :) Marketing. The $30 or whatever it costs is better spent on several pounds of LR, but that is JMO :)