buoyancy problems after feeding?


anyone else have ocellaris that stay at the top, swim on their side, etc after eating? i try to feed them a variety of frozen and such, but my big clown will only eat flakes!


New Member
sorry i have no idea except i notice when i feed my fish total frozen like straight from the freezer or i feed them to much


Active Member
um clowns are weird. mine don't do that... but i think it might be normal. cause every clown does something special that some clowns don't. like i had a pair of percula clowns and a couple of yellow citron gobys and the female clown would always stare at the clown gobies and the way they perch on rock work. i found the female trying to copy the way it perches right next to the clown goby. but it couldn't because the water flow was too strong. IT WAS SO CUTE!!!


i feel better... my big clown loves to lay on his side at the top after eating. now the smaller one is doing the same. so strange! but they can chase my blue damsel away anytime they want!


both my picasso perculas do that all day every day. its only around feeding time that they actually start swimming around the tank, but once feeding time is over, back to their side, back to the top of the tank. Ive given up trying to figure it out.