Alright, I'm finally getting around to removing the crushed coral from my main tank and putting in a DSB. I am planning on putting down about 3" of 'dead' sand, CaribSea of some type, and then topping off with an inch of Natures Ocean 'live' sand, for a total of 4".
My question is, what particle size do I want for the 3"? I went to the LFS, saw some CaribSea sugar-sized white oolite, had planned on going with this. The bag says sugar-sized, but it looks pretty powdery to me. The sugar sized would be the biggest particles in the bag, for sure. Anyway, it says on the bag, "for 1-2 inch sand beds". I'm thinking, hmmm... Then, I grab a bag of CaribSea aragonite sized 1-2 mm (pretty course in comparison) and it says "ideal for deep beds or plenum systems". Eh? I guess I can see why you might want a bigger particle size for plenums, but I've always thought you wanted a pretty fine sand for DSBs? What is the reccomendation?
[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: DMH ]
My question is, what particle size do I want for the 3"? I went to the LFS, saw some CaribSea sugar-sized white oolite, had planned on going with this. The bag says sugar-sized, but it looks pretty powdery to me. The sugar sized would be the biggest particles in the bag, for sure. Anyway, it says on the bag, "for 1-2 inch sand beds". I'm thinking, hmmm... Then, I grab a bag of CaribSea aragonite sized 1-2 mm (pretty course in comparison) and it says "ideal for deep beds or plenum systems". Eh? I guess I can see why you might want a bigger particle size for plenums, but I've always thought you wanted a pretty fine sand for DSBs? What is the reccomendation?
[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: DMH ]