BurnNSpy et al, DSB question


Alright, I'm finally getting around to removing the crushed coral from my main tank and putting in a DSB. I am planning on putting down about 3" of 'dead' sand, CaribSea of some type, and then topping off with an inch of Natures Ocean 'live' sand, for a total of 4".
My question is, what particle size do I want for the 3"? I went to the LFS, saw some CaribSea sugar-sized white oolite, had planned on going with this. The bag says sugar-sized, but it looks pretty powdery to me. The sugar sized would be the biggest particles in the bag, for sure. Anyway, it says on the bag, "for 1-2 inch sand beds". I'm thinking, hmmm... Then, I grab a bag of CaribSea aragonite sized 1-2 mm (pretty course in comparison) and it says "ideal for deep beds or plenum systems". Eh? I guess I can see why you might want a bigger particle size for plenums, but I've always thought you wanted a pretty fine sand for DSBs? What is the reccomendation?
[ September 05, 2001: Message edited by: DMH ]


If I can chime in here, although I am not BurnNSpy I would say go with the Carib Sea Reaflor Special Grade sand. I think you will be much happier. Little bit bigger particle size than the sugar size oolitic sand.


I am not BurnSpy, but he helped me setting up my plenum ;) I believe oolitic sand is recommended only if you want 1-2" sand bed. As Andy mentioned, I think using Caribean Special Reef sand at bottom is a good idea, then put Nature's Ocean LS on top of it. I did it this way with my plenum, and I am seeing great result, with lots of nitrogen bubbles in 2 weeks. Hope it helps.


For my 4" DSD in my 72g, I used 60 lbs of Argomax Oolite sand, and 60 lbs. of Caribsea Special Reef Blend sand.


Actually I had great success with the Natures Ocean live sand. My 70 actually never cycled with it. I attribute that to the live sand having enough bacteria to eliminate the cycle. I now buy my live sand right from a local fish store. If you can do that you will be better off. Seeding it with something that was actually in a tank is much better, especially if the sand has been in there for quite some time.


for a DSB oolitic sand is preferred. the more coarse the sand, the harder it will be for the bacteria you want to colonize. I would stay away from the larger particle sizes.
My DSB consists of 100% oolitic aragonite sand. (ESV's) I seeded it with a bit of live sand from my 7 year old 125 reef tank.
Four months later, the bed is literally teeming with life, worms, etc.
This tank is the most successful tank I have ever established, bar none. I have 25 years in this hobby.
I have no other filters, just live sand and live rock. I HIGHLY recommend the sugar fine oolitic aragonite sand if your goal is to create a DSB FULL of infauna. Of course, as usual, all applications are individual. Mine is strictly a reef tank with corals. My sand bed is the life and lungs of my tank.
My humble .02


Active Member
From what I have learned so far, corals are not a true bioload in a reef tank. My reef was coral only for the first 6 months and was absolutely easy to keep.
The amount of waste corals produce is neglegible, some corals will ingest the mucus produced by others as food also.
Naturally tank with no fish will have the purest water and the least problems as long as the food input is not overdone.