BurnNSpy, i have a questoin to ask about ur substrate


BurnNSpy, I just have a question about your substrate.
your sandbed seems very high compared to mine. Is that how it's suppose to be?


Active Member
MY 3.5" sand bed sits atop a 1" plenum that is why it is so high and my tank is only 29gal also.


Burn.. I hit your site and it didnt explain..
define: plenum please... lol
And the purpose of it.
I thought you just dumped 4 inches of ls down there.


Active Member
If you look at the bottom of my tank you will see the water void that is under the gravel, that is a plenum.
There is a plastic grid with a fiberglass screen on top that is suspended above the tank bottom by 1" pipe sections.
I have pulled my recommendation of its use because of an article published in FAMA this month even though I haven't had any of the catastrophes that were mentioned. I believe my plenum is successful because I have a low bio-load and a very balanced waste management ecosystem.
But I will add more info on the plenum to my website.


Hey Burn, I read that article, and I don't think I'd change my tank because of what that guy said. He didn't back up anything he said, and I've never heard of him. I e-mailed Bob Goemans, and he was already writing a rebuttal to that article. It should be in an upcoming FAMA. Bob knows what he's doing.... Success is the best indicator. A tank with a plenum will run with ZERO nitrates indefinately.