I was wondering if anyone has any first hand experince with a burr puffer, my LFS has a nice looking one I am considering buying. I was just looking for info on their adult size, temperment etc.
I had one for about a year before he outgrew my tank. I had him in a 75 which is definitely too small to handle a full grown one. Personality wise, he was a great fish. Always came to the glass whenever I walked by, wagging his tail like a puppy. Never bothered any of my other fish. At the time I had him in with some other aggressive fish and no inverts. They will definitely eat any snails and crabs you may have in your tank. Just a side note, I wouldnt keep this or any other puffer with triggers. I had him with a 2 inch humu humu trigger that started really harrasing him.
great looking tank, what size was he when you had to get rid of him? I have a 220, but I am fairly well stocked now. I have room for 1 or 2 more fish, and I am having a hard time deciding. The only fish I have that I would worry about with him is my lion, i know puffers have a tendency to nip at lions, but i have heard the burr's are very peaceful.
thanks for the reply.