Burrowing Fish?


I am wondering if anyone has a suggestion for me about burrowing fish i could get. I have looked at the Engineer Gobby and like him. I am jus wanting a few options. I love my deep sand bed and would lik to get a bit more action down there plus i think it will keep it so fresh and so clean. I would like to get the most active breed of burrowing fish so they are always rooting around. I also like the look of the mantis shrimp but i have heard they are little

. Any suggestions or comments??


Diamond sleeper goby, little guy never stops digging and does sleep on wholes that he digs under rocks. He also has a habit of burying some of my live rock but my sand bed looks amazing, no more algae or dark spots.


Active Member
I agree. I had an eng gobie, and all he did was sit in his hole all day. I now have a diamond gobie, and it is soo active. always on the move.


I have a yellow wrasse that disappears under the sand when he sleeps...scares the dickens out of you when he zips out in front of you!!


Active Member
I have an engineer goby. Its insane how much it digs. Lives under all my live rock and only comes out to eat. Feeding it is def. a pain though.