Bursa Trigger


Hi everyone,
It's been a while since my last post - having been doing much with my tank (been spending way too much time out in natures aquarium) anyway I bought a Bursa Trigger the other day, and had some questions on it, since I haven't read too much on this particular Trigger.
The other fish that are in the tank have been there for about a year (1 yellow tail damsel, 1 yellow chromis, 1 large cinnamon clown) so far everyone(except for the yellow chromis) seems to be playing nice and the trigger really has no interest in the other fish. I chose this trigger becuase it was housed at the LFS in a tank with other clowns, a couple damsels, and a false eye puffer, and it seemed pretty docile.
The trigger is about the same size as my other fish, maybe just a bit larger, but the yellow chromis is seriously terrorizing the trigger (I kinda figured the trigger would have enough at one point and take the chromis out) but it seems to be the opposite, the chromis will take an agressive stance towards the trigger, and the trigger seems to get curious, and then the chromis will charge, and the trigger swims away and will hide.
I do realize that because the other fish have been there for a while, they hold territory rights, and the yellow chromis has been the tank disciplinarian since I put him in there. Will the yellow chromis eventually mellow out, or is it going to take the trigger getting fed up with his taunts for a more gruesome end to the tale???
my bursa was a panzy too. always was a panzy b/c he was the little guy. however, he was the little guy to a couple huge puffers, a 8inch clown trigger and a 4 foot green moray. he was still somewhat able to hold his own, so I think he will let your chromis have it eventually. I think the chromis is just testing the patience of the trigger...:D