Bursa Trigger


i currently have 1 and i feed him silversides..he's in the tank with 2 damsels..and i also feed him flakes..what else should i feed him..if u have pictures of the bottles please post also..thanks


Active Member
Every bursa that I've had will eat virtually anything. You want meaty foods for it but they will go after anything, including veggies, potato chips, pizza crust, etc.


well i got another trigger... Picasso Trigger,aka huma huma.....and he's a slightly more chunky than my bursa..And he keeps bullying him bursa...dam i feel bad...i know my bursa's not gonna survive...this humu humu is a beast..i knew he was too at pet store was following my hand in glass then at top of water tried to bite my finger when i was testing his anger level...dam
ps..in picture bursa looks alot smaller just bursa was in the back of tank humu in front not that much bigger..